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Open Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that has a very disruptive power. The first generation of quantum computers that is expected within the next five years, will be so-called noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. Open Quantum Computing is an open-source framework for conducting research on algorithms NISQ computers.

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So far our main repositories are:

  • QAOA: This package is a flexible python implementation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm/Quantum Alternating Operator ansatz (QAOA) aimed at researchers to readily test the performance of a new ansatz, a new classical optimizers.
  • QRC: Using quantum circuits as reservoirs in reservoir computing is fairly new. The current examples in the literature rely heavily on quantum circuits of a very periodic nature. This package is meant to simplify the creation and simulation of such periodic circuits.
  • VQE: Algorithms for calculating energy spectra of molecules.

See GitHub for more information.