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2006: Extra effort for climate technology

More efficient energy use and renewable resources by themselves are not sufficient to save the climate; carbon capture and storage are also essential.

Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is one of the carbon capture and storage technologies on which SINTEF is working. Photo: SINTEF/Thor Nielsen

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be responsible for a fifth of of the cuts in emissions that could ensure that the mean annual temperature of the Earth does not rise by more than two degrees by 2020.

Biggest in the European Union’s 6th Framework Programme

The EU launched a joint European research effort in CCS that started with the 6th Framework Programme for research (2002 – 2006), in which SINTEF/NTNU was the largest participant.

If we look at the 6th and 7th (2007 – 2013) Framework Programmes together, at the end of 2011, SINTEF/NTNU was still one of the biggest participants in CCS. 

Between them, the two institutions had participated in 20 CCS projects by then, with SINTEF coordinating five and NTNU a further two.

Covered the entire value chain

In 2009, European Union projects in CCS brought the two institutions a turnover of €23 million (NOK 180 million).

The projects covered research on the capture, transport and storage of CO2 from fossil-fuelled power stations and process industry.

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SINTEF is participating, or has participated, in the following European Union CCS projects: