Acoustics laboratories
SINTEF's labs cover a large variety of fields in acoustics, including noise, hearing, building acoustics, underwater acoustics, and auralisation.
In the ETAPAS project, we develop a framework for responsible disruptive technology development and uptake in the public sector. Together with Prokom, SINTEF apply the framework to explore and assess the social and ethical implications of...
The vision of Sharing Neighbourhoods is digitalization towards a socially inclusive and caring neighbourhood. We will investigate the effects of digital collaborative sharing platforms on the social interactions in neighbourhoods, and the new...
HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks
The elderly may find that using a smartphone is difficult and incomprehensible, while the disabled may encounter problems because phone operation requires delicate motor functions. But one inventor saw no reason for it to be this way – and has found...
A recently published study reveals that the more time students spend on Facebook, the worse their grades. But Facebook is not the problem.
If scientists get their way, we will soon be able to measure grandma's acceleration. If she has a fall, that is.