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TheONE - design of wood burning stoves

The aim of the project is to develop a standardized wood stove combustion chamber for each industry partner, ultra-flexible and capable of complete and clean combustion independently of the wood stove exterior design, to significantly save development time and total production costs for manufacturers.

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If the current project successfully reaches its objective to realize a combustion chamber as a universal and exterior-design-independent unit, functionally decoupled from the rest of the wood stove, it will be the base for new stove models for years to come.

The combustion chamber remains as it is, already optimized and certified for emissions, while the surrounding design may vary from year-to-year depending on what the market demands in terms of style, shape factor etc.

Since the results from the project will be of high importance for each industrial partner in their future portfolio, confidentiality within each group's line of work will be of uttermost importance during the whole project period.

The  project  is an umbrella initiative involving the main Norwegian wood stove manufacturers: Norsk Kleber AS, Dovre AS and Jøtul AS. It connects each company's in-house designers and development department with their regular contracted designers through a neutral third-party group consisting of scientific experts from SINTEF Energy Research (SINTEF) and expert designers from Bergfald Environmental Consultants (Bergfald) and Oslo & Akershus University College (HiOA).

This project is an Innovation projects in business and industry (IPN) with funding from The Research Council of Norway under the ENERGIX programme.

Innovation projects in business and industry (IPN) and Development projects targeting business and industry players, and including projects that generate knowledge and skills for development of new or improved products or services.


Key Factors

Project duration

2017 - 2019

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