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Managing transport safety in the context of global competition

Over the last decades, all four branches of the transport sector (air, sea, road and rail) have undergone massive changes in response to fierce international competition and new international regulation of safety and competition. This has led to cost-cutting and new models of organization based on outsourcing and specialization.

Copyright: Ragnar Rosness

The main problem to be addressed by the project is: How can companies and regulators work to create good framework conditions for transport safety in the context of global competition? "Framework conditions" are the conditions that influence the opportunities different actors have to keep risks under control. We study how various stakeholders of transport safety can adapt to their own framework conditions, how they can create good framework conditions for others, and how they can use their influence to improve the framework conditions for their own safety work. The project will study all four branches of transport as well as interactions between the branches.

The project is based on interviews, document studies and workshops. The workshops will facilitate learning between the transport sectors and between operators, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the programme Transport 2025. The project is executed in collaboration between SINTEF Technology and Society and NTNU Social Research.

Key Factors

Project duration

2015 - 2017