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CCS Haugalandet

The Haugalandet region located on the south-western Norwegian coast, is well situated for delivering captured CO2 for storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

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There are three major industrial actors in the region, with total annual emissions of around 1.5 million tonnes CO2: Hydro Aluminium Karmøy, Gassco at Kårstø and Eramet Norway in Sauda. In addition, the Haugaland Næringspark (HNP) is Norway´s largest zoned industrial park, with high ambitions for hosting new, green industries. HNP has an agreement with Horisont Energi for establishing a CO2 terminal at their harbour, which will provide easy access to CO2 transport and storage for these new industries.

The Haugalandet CCS cluster project was established, with support from these industrial partners and Gassnova (CLIMIT Demo project no. 622125). Project duration has been January 2023-January 2024. The project has defined different CO2 transport scenarios and conditions relevant to the cluster. Thereafter, simulations to evaluate the scenarios were made with the SINTEF Energy iCCS tool. The main results are summarised and analysed in this report.

CCS Haugalandet :
Evaluation of CO2 logistics scenarios in the Haugalandet region

The proximity to CO2 storage opportunities, the presence of CO2-emitting industries, the plans for a CO2 terminal, and the prospects of new industrial establishment that will further increase CO2 production makes it highly relevant to investigate what the benefits could be for industrial actors to cooperate as an industrial CCS cluster. This would mean to realise infrastructure and plans for cost-efficient CO2 transport to permanent storage. Such cluster cooperation could potentially further increase the attractiveness for new energy-intensive industrial establishments. A common CO2 infrastructure could comprise elements such as common ship transport, intermediate CO2 storage and pipelines between industries and/or to a permanent storage site.

Industrial partners: 

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Main illustration: CCS Haugalandet


Key Factors

Project duration

2023 - 2024

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