INTERPORT – Integrated energy systems in ports
Interport visits project partners in Måløy and Florø
In March 2023, Line Rydså and Hanne Kauko from SINTEF travelled to Måløy, Norway to give a presentation on Interport and what an integrated energy system would mean for and in ports at a breakfast meeting organised by Måløy Vekst – a business and growth company.
They also took the opportunity to visit Interport project partner Nordfjord Havn (The Port of Nordfjord), who are also based in Måløy. As a result of this visit, the project will survey local industry players in order to get an overview of the companies with the greatest energy use in the area.
Line Rydså presents Interport at Måløy Vekst’s breakfast meeting.
On the way home, they also stopped by the town of Florø to visit another Interport project partner: Saga Fjordbase. The visit consisted of a tour of the base, a visit to the aquaculture facility at Havlandet, and a good discussion with Project Manager Vegard Lavik and his colleagues on activity in the area and how Interport can contribute.
Overall, it was a very productive trip that enabled Hanne and Line and the rest of the team to start further work within the project!