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Nordic Offshore Wind R&I Centre - NOWRIC

Vision: Accelerating deployment of offshore wind

Contact persons


  • A strong platform for academic and industrial collaboration
  • Focused research within prioritized areas

Scope of works
The Centre is bringing together leading parties within offshore wind energy to form a strong platform for academic and industrial collaboration. Planned activities include:

  • Develop a joint research program for offshore wind.
  • Execute research and innovation, both long-term basic research and shorter targeted studies according to prioritization of thE partners.
  • Sharing of results from open research projects in a series of workshops.
  • Outreach activities and dialogue with public bodies.

Research priorities

Overall objectives:

  • New knowledge and reduced risks
  • Innovation and value creation
  • Reliable and affordable energy

The Centre is established with DTU, SINTEF and NTNU as research partners together with selected industry partners. DTU, SINTEF and NTNU have complementary scientific and infrastructure capabilities within offshore wind energy. The parties see positive perspectives in a stronger cooperation, both with respect to research and also for provision of services to the international offshore wind energy sector.


  • DTU Wind Energy, Peter Hauge Madsen -
  • SINTEF, John Olav Tande -
  • NTNU, Trond Kvamsdal -

Key Factors

Project start


Explore research areas