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Controller Working Position (SESAR PJ 16 CWP)

The project aims to reduce development and operating costs of air navigation service provision.

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These savings will ultimately benefit airlines and their customers. It achieves this by delivering the ATM Master Plan goals (defined by the European ATM community) for a more efficient deployment of human resources, a progressive increase in automation support, the implementation of virtualisation technologies and the use of standardised and interoperable systems whilst increasing the safety level.

SINTEF involved in Multi-modal User Interface for ATCOs, Multi-touch and speech, integration with air traffic simulator and virtualisation of CWPs, separating the CWP from the datacenter where the data is produced.

Key Factors

Project start


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 734141