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Advanced Airspace Management (SESAR PJ 08 AAM)

The project will focus on dynamic airspace configurations (DAC) and dynamic mobile areas (DMA), which enable more flexible response to traffic demand and regional/local performance objectives.

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Project partners will further elaborate the definition of DAC/DMA, the associated data models and operational processes, validate the operational feasibility and assess the performance impact. The readiness for integration of the DAC operational process in the DCB process will also be addressed, as well as automated tools to generate optimum sector design and configurations.

SINTEF is leading and participating to evaluation exercises validating acceptance of DAC (Dynamic Airspace Configuration) for ATCOs in simulated environment (Milano airspace).

Key Factors

Project start


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731796