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Future Protective Clothing for Workers in the Molten Metal Industry

The objective of this project is to develop the future protective clothing for workers handling molten metal with improved overall protection for increased safety, performance and comfort during work.

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Workers handling molten metal are exposed to great heat stress and metal sparks or splashes. Currently used protective clothing in leather provide good protection against metal sparks or splashes, but involve challenges related to heat stress, high weight, and limited sweat transport and freedom of movement.

By following a research-based and user-focused innovation process, where advantages of new materials and material technology are utilised, the project will develop significantly improved solutions for total protection.

New knowledge about user needs will be established. Furthermore, the project will focus on heat reflecting coating on the leather, how to evaluate and document the improvements in the new clothing and how HSE routines can contribute to further reduce heat stress. The weight of the protective clothing will be decreased by identification and application of new complementary fabrics.

The new protective clothing will include improved protection against heat stress and metal sparks, improved freedom of movement, temperature regulation and comfort. The project involves development of new products for Industriskinn AS, and the innovation will contribute to improved safety, performance and comfort for the workers in the participating companies Wacker Chemicals Norway AS and Elkem AS.

Key Factors

Project duration

2015 - 2017



Cooperation Partners
Industriskinn AS
Wacker Chemicals Norway AS
Elkem Thamshavn AS

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