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Children's influence on visitation arrangements and place of residence

The report examined the children's influence on their own residence and access arrangements when parents do not live together. The analyzes are based on data from an interview survey among parents who have children together and who do not live together, collected autumn/winter 2012-2013 by Statistics Norway. In addition to descriptive representations there are conducted analyzes using logistic regression. The survey had a response rate of 59.8 per cent.

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Children influence on visitation arrangements and place of residence
Children influence on visitation arrangements and place of residence. Ill .:

The report shows that children have relatively little influence on visitation, something greater influence on residency, but relatively large influence on when it will actually stay with the visiting parent. In line with current legislation strengthened child influence with increased age. Degree of influence varies otherwise with a variety of conditions. Location parents report greater influence for their children than visitation parents, and reported greater influence when the child lives with the father than with their mother. Parents who are unhappy with the agreement, and parents who have a thorny relationship, report less influence for the kids than satisfied and cooperative parents.

The study confirms the need for greater efforts to ensure that children are included and heard in connection with the establishment of residence and visitation agreements, but also a need to include children as informants in studies when the aim is to assess children and young people's influence on their residence and visitation arrangements when parents do not live together.

Key Factors

Project duration

01/03/2014 - 01/03/2015

Facts about the project

Download the report

Barns innflytelse på samværsordninger og bostad (Norwegian only)


Collaboration partners 

The project is a collaboration between researchers at SINTEF and NTNU Samfunnsforskning



The project is commisioned by The Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion.