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Follow-up of Job Coping

NAV is performing two follow-up pilot projects designed to assist people with psychological disorders enter working life. One of these projects is directed to people in Østfold with minor psychological distress, while the other is directed to people with serious disorders in Oslo. SINTEF Technology and Society, Dept. of Health Research is implementing a follow-up evaluation of the pilot projects and handed in a partial report January 2008.

Follow-up of Job Coping
Follow-up of Job Coping

The projects were started in order to test methods of symptom – and coping oriented follow-up of people with psychological distress preventing them to work. The project involves descriptions of the collaboration between the labour and welfare administration and the health services.

In Østfold short-term therapy with a focus on the work situation is implemented, which seems to be a well-functioning approach. The interview participants feel that the service has helped them return quicker to work. However, the collaboration between NAV and the health services has not been adhered to in this model.

In Oslo a pilot project tests psycho-educative treatment of schizophrenia with relation to work, and the training is for both participants and employees in the enterprises where the participants work. The follow-up is adapted to each individual participant and experience shows a differing degree of needs. The project receives primarily positive feedback from both the participants, employees and project staff. The participants have become more secure in their status as employee compared to what was expected before the commencement of the project, which indicates a sufficient follow-up and project usefulness for the participants. The transfer of competence is a crucial part of the project and experience shows that the businesses have become more relaxed with having employees with psychological distress.

You can order the report in paper format by contacting Ansattinfo mangler 

Key Factors

Project duration

01/06/2012 - 01/06/2015