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Halved total Energy Consumption in New Norwegian Hospitals

This project aims to halve the energy consumption in new hospital buildings in Norway. It is a four-year, user-driven innovation project supported by the Norwegian Research Council.

Halved total Energy Consumption in New Norwegian Hospitals
Halved total Energy Consumption in New Norwegian Hospitals

The research project "Halved energy consumption in future hospital" is 50 % financed by the Norwegian Research Council and 50 % by the partners involved. It is defined as a user-driven innovation project and led by Norconsult with SINTEF as a major provider of research services, and has a budget of 24 million NOK over four years.


  • The South Eastern Regional Health Authority
  • Nordic Arkitects (former NSW)
  • SaaS project
  • SiemensGK
  • Oslo University College
  • Norconsult Information Systems

The project is divided into three phases:

  • The first is a collection of data about the current situation.
  • The second will assess and evaluate proposals for changes that reduce energy use in hospitals.
  • The final phase will validate and adapt the findings of the second phase.

The work is divided into five sub program groups. They work with the planning function impact on energy consumption, evaluating how the proposed energy saving measures for buildings in general can be customized for hospital buildings, and three groups looking at medical equipment and technical systems aimed at equipment, and system solutions in general.

Key Factors

Project duration

20/11/2010 - 31/12/2014

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