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Environmentally friendly concrete structures

The objective is to improve the sustainability of concrete by developing all round environmentally friendly binder systems. Also, we aim to develop and document concrete to be an insulating and energy preserving material. The focus area is split into two projects:

FA 1.1 Binders with low emission and reduced resource consumption
Objective: To establish the basis to develop all round alternative low-carbon footprint

FA 1.2 Utilisation of concrete in low energy building concepts
Objective: To establish the basis for concrete to be an insulating and energy preservative material

FA 1.1 Binders with low emission and reduced resource consumption

Project manager and disciplinary responsible: Harald Justnes
PhD: Kien Hoang
International advisor: Professor Fred Glasser, University of Aberdeen, UK

The research is dominated by a chemical approach

Activities within the project:
• Accelerators for blended cements
• Synergy between calcium carbonate and aluminates in blended cements
• Calcined marl s supplementary cementing material
• Synthetic MeSH particles as accelerator
• Gypsum free Portland cement

The project is partner of the Industrial-Academic Network Nanocem, member of fib committee 8.12 "Constitutive laws for concretes with supplementary cementitious materials" and the RILEM Technical Cimmittee 238-SCM

The project has international cooperation with Nanocem and Aberdeen University.

FA 1.2 Utilisation of concrete in low energy building concepts

Project manager: Olafur Wallevik
Disciplinary responsible: Adjunct professor Inger Andresen
International advisor: Otto During, CBI, Sweden

Activities the project:
• Case studies on high energy efficient buildings using concrete as passive thermal mass or activated thermal mass
• High insulating concrete "NanoCon", cooperation with ZEB
• Environmental calculation (LCA) of a concrete-based roof construction (Passivhaus)