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Maritime Communication for Autonomous Vessels

Seminar i maritime kommunikasjonssystemer. Ser folk i auditorium.
The interest in autonomous ship technology is still increasing rapidly in Norway.

Last autumn, the Norwegian Research Council decided to support several new projects in this area, to investigate new ship concepts as well as necessary technical components. A good communication solution for use at sea is obviously a critical component of an autonomous ship system and many of the new and existing projects are also looking into this problem.

To give interested parties an overview of the situation regarding maritime communication and new autonomous ship project, the Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships (NFAS), the Gemini Centre for Maritime Communication at NTNU and SINTEF as well as the European Space Agency's Integrated Applications Programme (IAP) sponsored a seminar on maritime communication and autonomous ships in Trondheim on February 15th 2017. The seminar was arranged by SINTEF Ocean and was held at the premises of NTNU and SINTEF at Tyholt in Trondheim. The program and copies of some presentations can be found on the NFAS web pages ( for norsk program