The Norwegian Board of Technology is an independent public-sector body that exists to identify important technological challenges and encourage a wide-ranging public debate about the potential and consequences of new technology –as it affects both the individual citizen and society as a whole.
The Board provides input to Parliament and the public sector concerning technological options.
“An honour”
“It is an honour to be part of this body, which gives me a golden opportunity to study how research results migrate from the laboratory out to society, follow them all the way up to government level and out into general debate.
Being concerned with education, I have always been interested in how research results are brought into general use, so I am really looking forward to being on the Board of Technology.
Oil-spills and nanotechnology
Andy Booth was born and educated in the UK, and has a doctorate in organic environmental chemistry and geochemistry.
As a research scientist in SINTEF’s Department of Marine Environmental Technology, he has long experience of studying what happens to oil-spills, and how these affect the natural habitat. For the past few years, he has been involved in similar research topics related to artificial nanoparticles and chemicals used in carbon capture.
In fact, “responsible development of nanoparticles” is precisely one of the topics on which the Norwegian Board of Technology is currently engaged.
New members
The Norwegian Board of Technology was set up by the Cabinet in 1999, on the initiative of Parliament.
Siri Hatlen, former managing director of Oslo University Hospital, was appointed to the chair of the Council earlier this summer.
Like Andy Booth, former government minister Odd Roger Enoksen, who is currently director of Andøya Rocket Range, is a new member of the Board.
Positive evaluation
The Nordic Institute of Innovation Studies, Research and Education (NIFU) recently carried out an evaluation of the Norwegian Board of Technology on behalf of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Board’s own web-site mentions that the evaluation was very positive.
“NIFU’s main recommendation was that the Board should continue to put important matters of technology on the agenda and ensure that technology is discussed within a broader societal context,” continues the web-site.
By Svein Tønset