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1.3 million admissions to Norwegian hospitals in 2004

The number of admissions to Norwegian hospitals rose by 4.3 percent in 2004, as fresh figures from SINTEF’s Norwegian Patient Register show.

The figures refer to general hospitals (total hospital sector minus psychiatric hospitals).
Norwegian patients had a total of 1.3 million admissions to these hospitals in 2004.

Eleven new private hospitals were added to the 2004 data. If these additions are excluded, the total increase in activity between in 2004 comes to 3.6%. This is less than in 2003.

Large rise in day patient care
The growth in activity is largely due to an increase of 11.1% in the number of day-care patients.

Polyclinic day-care rose by 8.6%, while the rise in whole day admissions was 1.6%.

More consultations
Polyclinic activity also rose by almost 134,000 consultations between 2003 and 2004, a rise of 4.1 percent.

“Cubes” with figures
Users who wish to look at the figures in more detail by themselves can use the “cubes” that contain hospital activity figures on our net-site.

New this year: Annual Report

Starting in 2004, the Norwegian Patient Register is publishing a comprehensive Annual Report that compares the figures for 2003 and 2004.

The Report contains the most important figures for Norwegian hospitals. It also discusses the content of the Register and the quality of the variables employed. This is important information for whoever uses our data for research purposes.

Download the Annual Report for 2004 (in Norwegian only)


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By Svein Tønseth