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Webinar: Shall shipping of CO2 move toward low-pressure shipping?

Pipeline has historically been the preferred means to transport CO2 due to its low cost for short distances and opportunities for economies of scale.


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Presenters: Simon Roussanaly, Ailo Aasen and Svend Tollak Munkejord - SINTEF

However, interest in vessel-based transport of CO2 is growing. While most of the literature has assumed that CO2 shipping would take place at low pressure (at 7 barg and −46 °C), CCS chains based on ship transport are moving towards implementation of transport at around 15 barg pressure and temperature of −30 °C based on experience from the transport of food-grade CO2.

This webinar will discuss the cost-saving potential of moving toward low-pressure shipping, as well as some of the challenges that must be addressed to ensure safe and reliable operation at these conditions.

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