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Webinar IntER-Cold

Interdisciplinary Education and Research Platform in Cold-Chain of Fish: From Norway to Japan


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Part 1. Presentation of Project Partners

  • 6.00 Introduction to IntER-Cold project:
    Aims, Activities, Plans. Ignat Tolstorebrov, NTNU
  • 6.10 Introduction of research group from SINTEF Energy
    Michael Bantle, SINTEF
  • 6.20 Introduction of research group from Tokyo University
    of Marine Science and Technology, Department of
    Food Science and Technology. Manabu Watanabe, TUMSAT
  • 6.30 Introduction of research group from Nagoya Institute
    of Technology Department of Electrical and
    Mechanical Engineering Graduate School of
    Engineering Yasushi Ido, Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • 6.40 Introduction of research group from Doshisha
    University. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Doshisha University
  • 6.50 Introduction of research group from Norwegian
    University of Science and Technology, Department of
    Biotechnology and Food Science. Jørgen Lerfall, NTNU
  • 7.00 Introduction of research group from Norwegian
    University of Science and Technology, Department of
    Energy and Process Engineering. Trygve Eikevik, NTNU
  • 7.10 Break

Part 2. Perspective Research Ideas

  • 7.30 Evaluation of transport form of Norwegian Atlantic
    salmon (Salmo salar) considering quality and
    environmental load. Manabu Watanabe, TUMSAT
  • 7.45 EFSA Scientific Opinion on superchilling technique for
    the transport of fresh fishery products
    Janna Cropotova, NTNU
  • 8.00 Non-destructive measurement of frozen fish meat
    quality using fluorescence fingerprint Mario Shibata, TUMSAT
  • 8.15 Lightly processed seafood
    Jørgen Lerfall and/or Anita Nordeng Jakobsen, NTNU
  • 8.30 Break/Discussion
  • 8.45 Cold energy storage for food production: challenges
    and perspectives Håkon Selvnes, NTNU
  • 9.00 Anisotropic thermal conductivity and Solidification/
    Melting of Magnetic Nanofluids.
    Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Nagoya Institute of
  • 9.15 Refrigeration cycle using temperature-sensitive
    magnetic fluids Mr. Imamura, Doshisha University
  • 9.30 Electrification of industry: Combined heating and
    cooling solutions in dairy production
    Michael Bantle, SINTEF
  • 9.45 Discussion
  • 10.00 Closing

The webinar is organised by SINTEF and NTNU on behaf of the IntER-Cold project.

Registration - send an email to:

Michael Bantle -
or Ignat Tolstorebrov -



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