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TSO-DSO interaction on flexible resources

CINELDI works to develop concepts and solutions for utilizing flexible resources in different market products and ancillary services, for increased observability between the distribution and transmission systems and business models regarding utilization of customer flexibility.


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The Norwegian TSO, Statnett is a partner in CINELDI, giving us a strong foundation to research the interaction between DSO and TSO. The expected impact from these objectives is improved interaction DSO-TSO to benefit the total power system, especially by enabling DER flexibility to all voltage levels.

In this webinar Dr Ivana Kockar, University of Strathclyde, UK, will present the experiences from UK .

Kristian Høien, from Statnett, will present a case focusing on the TSOs needs for flexibility, especially related to fast frequency reservices from flexible resources.

Hanne Sæle, from SINTEF Energy Research, and head of the CINELDI work package Interaction TSO/DSO and flexible resources, will present the results from CINELDIs research on classification of Flexible resources.

Professor Magnus Korpås, NTNU, will be the moderator, and will lead the discussion after the introductions.

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