Presenter: Jonathan Polfus, SINTEF Industry
Single-cell PMR reactor tests performed at lower temperatures (600-800 °C) in H2/H2O atmospheres. New components and calibration have resulted in good quality electrical data.
PMR test at lower temperatures in CH4/H2/H2O to be started in late September/October to assess catalytic and electrical performance compared to reference case at 800 °C.
Long-term stability test of pellet sample in CO2 started before summer. Second sample with optimized electrode/geometry installed in September with aim of 5000 hours at 800 °C with periodic electrical measurement.
Membrane model: code ported from Matlab to C with significant improvement in speed, so it is ready to implement in the module simulations.
Module simulations: work on initial simulations and integration with membrane model has started.
The webinar is open to NCCS partners, only.