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Future Paths and Needs in Wave Modelling

SINTEF Ocean is pleased to invite you to contribute with a presentation and paper to our workshop “Future Paths and Needs in Wave Modelling”, to be held in Trondheim, Norway, on the 21st and 22nd of October 2019.


Scandic Hotel Solsiden
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Contributions should focus on methods and challenges in laboratory and/or numerical modelling of ocean waves, such as, but not limited to:

  • What shall be modelled
  • Which are the models
  • Wave calibration
  • Short-crested waves
  • Avoiding or reducing unwanted laboratory and numerical effects
  • Validation of CFD and other models
  • How experimental and numerical models should be integrated
  • Applications
  • Ongoing developments
  • Goals for the near future

Selected papers from the workshop will be subsequently published in a Special Issue in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Eds: CT Stansberg and JM Rodrigues). The Special Issue is intended to be a substantial and useful reference source for future research in wave modelling.

For presenters, the registration includes:

  • 1 free publication in JMSE open access special issue (subjected to selection and peer review)
  • Buffet lunch at NTNU (Tyholt) on both days
  • Workshop dinner

Registration is also open to non-presenting attendees. A fee will be charged for the lunches and workshop dinner for non-presenters who wish to participate in these events.

We have arranged an influential group of experts to deliver keynote presentations during the workshop. Joining us in Trondheim are:

  • Luigi Cavaleri, Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR), National Research Council (CNR), Venice, Italy.
  • Guillaume Ducrozet, Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA), EC Nantes, France.
  • David Ingram, Institute for Energy Systems (IES), School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  • Alfred Osborne, Nonlinear Waves Research Corporation (NWRC), Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

Deadlines for submission:

Note: contributions will be selected based on their relevance, originality and complementarity to the workshop, should the number of proposed presentations exceed the workshop capacity.

We would appreciate your consideration to contribute and would appreciate knowing about your initial interest by the end of January 2019, including the preliminary title and the first author / presenter name. (mail to: )

If you are interested in attending without presenting, please also let us know.

Keynote Speakers

Contact person


Beddingen 1, 7042 Trondheim