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CLIMIT PhD and PostDoc Seminar 2019

The CLIMIT PhD and PostDoc Seminar will be an excellent meeting place for young researchers where you can learn more about CO2 capture and storage (CCS).


The Research Council of Norway
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The seminar will be a full day meeting were young scientists working
with CCS meet to learn from each other and to exchange experience.
The seminar will be a combination of presentations and networking.
The main focus will be on PhD and PostDoc candidates presenting
their projects.

There will also be key note presentations from top level researches.
This will give the audience valuable insight into state-of-the art within
some key aspects of CO2 capture, transport and storage. The invited
researchers will also talk about future possibilities within academia
and industry for young researchers within CCS.

PhD and PostDoc candidates are invited to submit a one-page
abstract of their project. The best abstracts will be invited to an oral
presentation at the seminar.

See the flyer for more information and links for abstracts and -registration.


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Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo