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CCS Overview, incl. Steps to large scale deployment & Status of CCS projects

The Nordic CCS Summer School is arranged for the second time this year, now we include lectures that are open to the general public.


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Lecturer: Nils Anders Røkke, SINTEF

Vice President Climate Technologies in SINTEF, Scandinavia's largest R&D Institute. Chairman of the BIGCCS Centre of Excellence within CCS technologies, Director of NORDICCS. Holds a PhD in combustion from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in a exchange scholarship programme with the University of California San Diego (1994). Member of the management board of SINTEF.

Worked as Gas Turbine Design and Development Manager in Rolls Royce Marine before returning to SINTEF in 2002 as Vice President Gas Technologies and Director of the Gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF. Co-ordinator of several large European CCS projects within CCS (DYNAMIS, DECARBit,..) member of the European ZEP (zero emission power) Advisory Council, Co-chair of the Executive Committee of ZEP and member of the Norwegian CCS R&DD CLIMIT programme board. Board member of the Norwegain Climate Foundation. Heads the Nordic Centre of Excellence within CCS- the NORDICCS Centre. Chairman of many large project initiatives within climate change technologies and Joint Programme Co-ordinator of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) CCS Joint Programme. Chair of ECCSEL (European CCS Labs) being pursued through ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research infrastructures).

About Nordic CCS Summer School 2015
The course will cover the complete CCS chain from capture, transport and storage to framework issues such as financing, public acceptance, political and legal issues. Lectures will be given on all these topics by distinguished lecturers from the Nordic countries.
Se the Summer School website.

If you want to attend this lecture, please send an email to Marit Jagtøyen Mazzetti



Høgskoleringen 6b, Trondheim