The Arctic is experiencing the impact of these changes more and faster than other parts of the globe. Processes starting in the Arctic may have deep and profound impacts on other parts of the globe.
Economic development is growing all over the Arctic. Business actors across the northern borders share many of the same opportunities and challenges. The third pillar in the Arctic Frontiers structure, Arctic Frontiers Business, will add to the existing pillars Arctic Frontiers Science and Arctic Frontiers Policy and explore the drivers for industrial and economic development in the north.
The earth is in the midst of major climate changes. The Arctic is experiencing the impact of these changes more and faster than other parts of the globe. Processes starting in the Arctic may have deep and profound impacts on other parts of the globe. At the same time the Earth's population is rising and with it the global energy demand. New and greener energy sources are gaining market shares, but still the energy mix of the foreseeable future will have a substantial fossil component.