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SecureGrid: Cybersecurity Roadmap for the Future Digitalized Grid

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Overall objective of the SecureGrid project is to evaluate the state of practice of cybersecurity, and elicit the forthcoming cybersecurity needs driven by the digitalization of the power grid. This to form the basis for improved cybersecurity measures and practices focusing on enabling Statnett as a TSO to meet its future cybersecurity challenges.

Power grids are already undergoing significant digitalization, thanks to increased energy consumption, needs for a better utilization of the resources, and the emerging IIoT technologies. The existing solutions are therefore already vulnerable to security threats, and insufficiently accommodated for the forthcoming needs which are driven by the digitalization plans and ambitions. As the digitalization rate increases, it is crucial to ensure appropriate cost-efficient cybersecurity measures and practices.

SecureGrid will provide detailed insights into the state of the practice and how the digitalized power grid will look like and operate in the future. Based on this, we will identify and document the cybersecurity gaps in terms of the potential risks and challenges that have to be addressed in short and mid-long term. These gaps form the basis for developing a cybersecurity roadmap.

Key data:

  • Project owner: STATNETT SF
  • Three partners: STATNETT, SINTEF Digital, and NTNU
  • Period: Nov. 2019 – Aug. 2020