Contact person, projects
- AdaPfab – Adaptive control for robotic prefabrication (2022 - 2025)
- AMRREX – Additive Manufacturing for repair and refurbishment of offshore components to extend structural lifetime (2018 - 2021)
- OPTIMALS – Optimal design and production of lightweight and high-performance aluminium-steel structural components (2017 - 2020)
Contact person, expertise
More publications
- Welding of dissimilar metals: a comparative study
- CFD modeling for predicting imperfections in laser welding and additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys
- A fast simulation method for thermal management in wire arc additive manufacturing repair of a thin-walled structure
- Numerical modelling of high-power laser spot melting of thin stainless steel
- Intermetallic Phase Layers in Cold Metal Transfer Aluminium-Steel Welds with an Al–Si–Mn Filler Alloy
- A comparative study of laser-arc hybrid welding with arc welding for fabrication of offshore substructures
- Laser beam remelting of stainless steel plate for cladding and comparison with conventional CMT process
- Microstructure and properties of wire arc additive manufacturing of Inconel 625 Read publication
- Effect of heat input on nanomechanical properties of wire-arc additive manufactured Al 4047 alloys Read publication
- In-situ X-ray microtomography of interface between additively manufactured aluminium bronze and H13 tool steel
- Nickel silicide for protecting metal dusting
- Multiscale simulation of directed energy deposition (DED) for duplex stainless steel
- Multi-material additive manufacturing
- Transforming ideas into reality: exploring the power of numerical modelling & simulation tools for material and process development
- Masseproduksjon av understell for havvindturbiner
- What does the defect say? Acoustic emission (AE) for process monitoring and defect detection in laser welding
- Multi-material additive manufacturing
- A comparative study of laser-arc hybrid welding with arc welding for fabrication of offshore substructures
- High-throughput materials discovery
- We need welding simulation and modelling more than ever