Contact person, projects
- Towards a reduced order model for EVAR planning and intra-operative navigation Read publication
- Prediction of guidewire-induced aortic deformations during EVAR: a finite element and in vitro study Read publication
- Comparison of ultrasound vector flow imaging and CFD simulations with PIV measurements of flow in a left ventricular outflow trackt phantom - Implications for clinical use and in silico studies Read publication
- Decision support based on patient-specific simulations of intracardiac flow
- The effect of chordae tendineae on systolic flow Read publication
- Patient Specific Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Human Upper Airways for Assessing the Effect of Nasal Surgery Read publication
- Velocity profiles in a 2D model of the left ventricular outflow tract, pathological case study using PIV and CFD modeling Read publication
- Simulation of gas-liquid flows in separators. A Lagrangian approach Read publication
- CardioSIM, The right treatment, to the right time
- CardioSIM
- Flow regularization and reconstruction in echocardiography
- In vitro validation of ultrasound VFI regularization through rapid data assimilation
- Kan teknologien hjelpe klinikken?
- What can fluid dynamics provide in diagnostics and treatment planning?
- Beslutningsstøtte for behandlingsplanlegging av hjertesykdom basert på pasient-spesifikke strømningssimulering i hjertet
- Ultrasound VFI, Optical PIV and CFD - Update on In Vitro and In Silico Cardiosim Experiments
- Variational Data Assimilation - Towards Robust Vector Flow Estimation with Ultrasound
- CardioSim – fra rørstrømning til blodstrømning