- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs Read publication
- T-ROBUST METHOD. Robustness-based multi-criteria decision-making methodology: Description and example of application
- Sirkulære løsninger i byggebransjen: Kunnskapsstatus
- Sirkulære løsninger i byggebransjen: kunnskapsstatus
- Selection of the most high-performance and robust design for a zero-emission neighbourhood: Case study of Flytårnet area in Norway
- Accelerated climate aging tests of structural insulated panels with waste-based core materials
- Wind-driven rain tightness of building-integrated photovoltaics panels
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs
- Semi-Quantitative Assessment System of Expected Moisture Levels in Compact Roofs
- Airtightness Development in Large Timber Buildings: Case Study of a Zero-Emission Building in Norway
- Bygningsintegrerte solceller – gir de god nok beskyttelse mot slagregn?
- Ombruk av vinduer: utfordringer og muligheter
- Slik finner man det beste designalternativet for bygg og områder
- Selection of the most high-performance and robust design for a zero-emission neighbourhood: Case study of Flytårnet area in Norway
- Wind-driven rain tightness of building-integrated photovoltaics panels
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs
- Airtightness development in large timber buildings: Case study of a zero-emission building in Norway
- Semi-Quantitative Assessment System of Expected Moisture Levels in Compact Roofs
- Analysing energy upgrading projects of single-family houses towards a Norwegian nZEB level
- Integration of sustainability analyses into business models for deep energy renovation of buildings: a case study in Norway