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Ole-André Roli

Senior Software Engineer

I have many years experiences from software development, both in large and smaller projects. I have a M.Sc. in computer science and possesses knowledge about software development methods and processes. I started my carrier in the oil & gas industry in VoxelVision / Schlumberger in 1998. Here I worked on developing software for interpretation of geophysical data. I started in Sintef in 2010.


1985-1989 - Norwegian Institute of Technology, Msc. Computer Science
1983-1985 - Oslo Ingeniørhøgskole, B.A. Cybernetics

Competence and research areas

During my time at SINTEF Industri / Petroleum, I have gained expertise in topics related to basin modeling. This includes geology, modeling of palaeo water depths, modeling of pressure and temperature and source rock modeling. I have been working on the following software packages - PressureAhead, Pressim, SEMI, Presseis, OF-Mod, Paelowater modeling and sand production (SandPredictor).

Contact info

Visiting address:
S P Andersens vei 15B