Contact person, projects
- Numerical Investigation of Premixed and Non-premixed Ammonia Main Charge Configurations Ignited by a Hydrogen-Fired Prechamber Read publication
- On the inaccuracies of point-particle approach for char conversion modeling
- Evaluation of CLC as a BECCS technology from tests on woody biomass in an auto-thermal 150-kW pilot unit Read publication
- Building the world's largest Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) unit
- The effects of Stefan flow on the flow surrounding two closely spaced particles Read publication
- D3.4 Fuel conversion phenomena
- Three-dimensional unsteady numerical simulation of a 150 kWth full-loop chemical looping combustion pilot with biomass as fuel: A hydrodynamic investigation
- Bed Model for Grate-Fired Furnaces: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Comparison to Experiments Read publication
- A Shortcut Method to Predict Particle Size Changes during Char Combustion and Gasification under regime II Conditions
- Numerical approaches for thermochemical conversion of char Read publication
- From TRD to the USA: The value of long-term, on-site collaborations between research institutes
- Numerical investigation of hydrogen- fired prechamber ignition of the ammonia main charge in reciprocating engines
- Large eddy simulations of diesel ignited ammonia dual fuel combustion
- Testing starts at world’s largest chemical looping combustion (CLC) unit
- CLC of waste-derived fuel and biomass in a 150-kW pilot unit
- Effect of wall boundary conditions on 3D hydrodynamic numerical simulation of a CLC unit with dual circulating fluidized-bed reactors
- Modelling of grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plants - Status and further needs
- GrateCFD Enabling optimum Grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plant operation through Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Validation of a numerical approach for simulation of the thermal decomposition behaviour of biomass in grate combustion plants
- A detailed experimental study on the thermal decomposition behaviour of wood pellets under inert and oxidative conditions in a fixed bed reactor