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Knut Harald Grythe

Senior Research Scientist

Knut Grythe is a Senior Research Scientist at the Dept of Sustainable Communication Technologies. He is also grading NTNU student works like master theses, and exams in Space Technology 1 (fall) and - 2 (spring) at the Dept of Electronic Systems. He holds a Master degree from NTH (NTNU). He is a member of the management group of the GEMINI centre for Maritime communication, and has served as project evaluator for the EU commission. Early position is as employee at the company NERA in Bergen.


Sivilingeniør (Master of Science), Dept of Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Competence and research areas

Both leading and participating in several types of projects on wireless communication - and systems, including e.g. satellite, maritime, and underwater applications. The projects are financed by both national, and international sources.
Competence on communication and level of autonomy interactions for autonomous units; signal processing and information theory, and wireless signals propagation.
Present interests include future 6G wireless systems, and machine learning.


Contact info

Visiting address:
Strindvegen 4