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Kjell Fredrik Pettersen

Software Developer

Kjell Fredrik Pettersen works as a software engineer in the Optimisation group in SINTEF Digital. He has been working in SINTEF since 2008, both in the Geometry group and the Optimisation group. His education is in theoretical mathematics, but he has also worked for a long time with software development, first as a consultant in a larger Norwegian company, before working with mathematical software in SINTEF.


Kjell Fredrik has his main education from algebraic geometry, with a master in 1994 and PhD in 1998.

Competence and research areas

Kjell Fredrik has competense within software development, both independently and in teams, and has worked with various applications of mathematics in software. He also has competence within pure mathematics, in particular algebra, geometry and optimisation.


Contact info

Visiting address:
Forskningsveien 1