More publications
- Predictive Heating Control and Perceived Thermal Comfort in a Norwegian Office Building Read publication
- Impact of practical challenges on the implementation of data-driven services for building operation: Insights from a real-life case study Read publication
- Demonstrating the load-shifting potential of a schedule-based control in a real-life educational building Read publication
- Selection of the most high-performance and robust design for a zero-emission neighbourhood: Case study of Flytårnet area in Norway
- Practical challenges towards data-driven applications in buildings: lessons-learned from two real-life case studies
- Performance evaluation and control scenarios for targeted heat injection and extraction in an existing geothermal borehole field in Norway Read publication
- A review of data-driven fault detection and diagnostics for building HVAC systems
- Energy Geostructures. Shallow Geothermal Energy Extraction and Storage
- Energy and Power: Essential Key Performance Indicators for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. An Analysis og 6 pilot areas Read publication
- Skoler på vent. Tiltak for å ivareta inneklima og helse Read publication
- Enkle grep for mer energifleksible bygg
- Rapport: Enkelt å drive energifleksible bygg
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger med enkle grep
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger er mulig med forholdsvis enkle grep
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger er mulig med forholdsvis enkle grep
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger er mulig med forholdsvis enkle grep
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger er mulig med forholdsvis enkle grep
- Mer energifleksibel drift av bygninger er mulig med forholdsvis enkle grep
- Towards automated energy flexibility deployment in buildings: a solution at the ZEB Laboratory
- Insights from the field: implementing schedule-based control strategies for load shifting in educational buildings