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Jérémie Parot

Research Scientist

A multidisciplinary scientist with a strong background in analytical chemistry and nanomedicine.

Experience with gene therapeutics, RNA-LNPs, formulation
Expert in physico-chemical characterization of nanodrug delivery systems with specific background in field-flow-fractionation instruments coupled with UV/Vis, MALS, DLS, RI,...

Expertise in RNA characterization from concentration to integrity/purity


2017-2020 NIST associate researcher

2016 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Environmental and analytical chemistry

2012 - Master's degree, Environmental and aquatic chemistry and biology

2010 - Bachelor's degree, Environmental chemistry and biology

Competence and research areas

Research Scientist | Nanomedicine | RNA-LNP | Design, Formulation, Physico-chemical characterization

Process optimization, formulation and characterization of RNA-LNPs
- LNP formulations: design, optimization and production (lab scale)
- RNA-LNP high-resolution characterization: size, size distribution, particle number, stability, morphology, encapsulation efficiency, RNA concentration and integrity,...
- Development of analytical techniques and methods

Development, optimization and application of analytical methods for physicochemical characterization of:
- Nanodrug delivery systems (Lipid-based and polymeric nanoparticles)
- Exosomes and Extracellular Vesicles (nano-sized)
- Protein aggregation kinetics

Contact info

Visiting address:
Sem Sælands vei 2 A
7034 Trondheim