- Participants’ experiences after using the EPIO pain self-management program – a qualitative study EAPM European association of psychosomatic medicine
- EPIO©™ Et digitalt støtteprogram for de som lever med langvarige smerter
- A Human-Centered and Evidence-Informed Development Process of EPIO; An eHealth Self-Managment Intervention for People Living with Chronic Pain
- On track on the care pathway: Care coordination, information, and communication needs among Norwegian cancer patients
- Hva er viktig for meg? Kreftpasienters opplevelse av kommunikasjon, informasjonsflyt og organisering gjennom et pasientforløp
- EPIO - en app for de som lever med langvarige smerter
- A User-Centered Approach to an Evidence-Based Electronic Health Pain Management Intervention for People With Chronic Pain: Design and Development of EPIO
- A human-centered and evidence-informed development process of EPIO; An eHealth self-management intervention for people living with chronic pain
- User identified needs and requirements in the development of an eHealth pain management intervention
- Building an e-health program for chronic pain management; Experiences and input from health care providers