- Demonstration of a low-cost solution for implementing MPC in commercial buildings with legacy equipment Read publication
- Insights into ZEN pilot projects: An overview and experience summary Read publication
- Investigating scalable replacement of weather compensated control with MPC in buildings with legacy equipment
- Sub-hourly measurement datasets from 6 real buildings: Energy use and indoor climate Read publication
- Development and testing of load flexibility KPIs in the ZEN definition Read publication
- Integrating Thermal-Electric Flexibility in Smart Buildings using Grey-Box modelling in a MILP tool Read publication
- Further development and validation of the "PROFet" energy demand load profiles estimator
- Identifying grey-box models from archetypes of apartment block buildings
- Adaptive control and identification for heating demand-response in buildings
- Building optimization testing framework (BOPTEST) for simulation-based benchmarking of control strategies in buildings Read publication
- Data i COFACTOR - Hva har vi, og hva skal vi bruke det til? (WP1)
- Energidata fra 6000 bygninger skal fortelle hvordan vi kan utnytte strømnettet bedre
- COFACTOR: Mål, aktiviteter og datainnsamling/strukturering
- Integrating Thermal-Electric Flexibility in Smart Buildings using Grey-Box modelling in a MILP tool
- Development and testing of load flexibility KPIs in the ZEN definition
- COFACTOR: Status datainnsamling
- Datainnsamling
- Prosjektet VarmtVann2030
- DHW tank sizing considering dynamic energy prices
- Resultater fra VarmtVann2030