- Meeting future emission regulation at sea by combining low-pressure EGR and sea water scrubbing
- Methane slip from gas fuelled ships: a comprehensive summary based on measurement data Read publication
- Control of the combustion process and emission formation in marine gas engines Read publication
- Teknologi i transportsystemer for gods Read publication
- Low emission LNG fuelled ships for environmental friendly operations in arctic areas
- LNG-Fuelled Engines and Fuel Systems for Medium Speed Engines in Maritime Applications
- Reduserte klimagassutslipp 2050. Teknologiske kilder. Innspill til Lavutslippsutvalget Read publication
- Methane Slip Summarized: Lab vs. Field Data
- Methane slip from gas engines
- Low emission LNG fuelled ships for environmental friendly operations in arctic areas
- LNG Fuel Infrastructure for Low Emission Ships Operating on Natural Gas
- LNG-Fuelled Engines and Fuel Systems for Medium- Speed Engines in Maritime Applications
- Avgassutslipp fra skip
- Vätgas och bränsleceller för fartyg: FCSHIP - ett project i EUs 5th ramprogram och norska bränslecellestudier för färjor
- Naturgass eller dieselbusser med avgassrensing - et miljøvalg