- Vanntåke som automatisk brannslokkeanlegg i bygninger. Veileder for valg, dokumentasjon og prosjektering
- The “Water Smartness and Sustainability Index” for Assessment of Water Smartness and Sustainability of Wastewater Resource Recovery Solutions
- Evaluating the Stormwater Management Model for hydrological simulation of infiltration swales in cold climates Read publication
- A Cyber-Physical All-Hazard Risk Management Approach: The Case of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Copenhagen
- Water-Tight IoT–Just Add Security Read publication
- Pilotprosjekt. Rv3 - Oppsummering modellering og datafangst
- Sikring av kritisk VA-infrastruktur mot digitale og fysiske trusler: STOP-IT-metoden demonstrert og testet i et vannverk
- Protection of Water Distribution Networks against Cyber and Physical Threats: The STOP-IT Approach Demonstrated in a Case Study Read publication
- A Risk-Based Approach in Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Networks Read publication
- International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD) 2024: Noen høydepunkter fra konferansen
- Sewer Network and Smart Water Meter Data for Modelling and Analysis of Water Distribution and Sewer Networks
- Hydrological simulation of infiltration swales based on historical and futures climates data in cold climate regions
- Improved hydrological modelling of infiltration swales in cold climates using underground water levels
- Analysing the impact of different precipitation characteristics on hydrological performances of infiltration swales
- Klima 2050 og evaluering av en grønn grøft langs RV3
- Towards a water smart society: what is it and how to assess it?
- Protection of water critical infrastructure agains cyber and physical threats: the STOP-IT approach
- Water critical infrastructure security against cyber and physical threats
- Økt beredskap gjennom stresstesting: Erfaringer fra Oslo VAV