Relevant Information

- Digitalization and autonomy – Challenges and opportunities related to Human Interactions; Trondheim at 17th and 18th of October 2017 (Invitation/Program; Participants)
- Autonomy and Safety when the human is in the Loop - Conference 10. august 2017 in Trondheim: (see Conferences (and relevant material/Presentations)
- Sensemaking, Trust and Situational Awareness in Automated Systems - Conference at Halden at 17th and 18th of April 2018: (Invitation/Program)) - see Minutes of meeting 

- NEWS - Sea
- Ocean week 7. - 9. May in Trondheim:
        - Spaceport Norway:

- NEWS - Train
         - Self-driving freigt trains shall run at 100 km/h at (in Norwegian):

- NEWS - Road
        - Self-driving Uber car killed a woman in the United States (in Norwegian):

- NEWS - Air
         - 2018 Strategy for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in Norway (White Paper in Norwegian)