MAS Network and Project Team

SINTEF Digital/SESS - see
Project leader: Stig O. Johnsen SINTEF

TØI - Transportøkonomisk Institutt, Ross Owen Phillips, Chief Research Officer at the group Safety and Organisation at TØI
Delft University of Technology, Marjan Hagenzieker Professor at Delft University of Technology
NTNU - Faculty of Architecture and Design, Ass. Prof. Ole A. Alsos
Shore Control Lab (Link to Youtube)

Important Networks: and Post.Doc.

  • The Norwegian HFC – Forum at
  • HFES - The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is an HF network and organization that has over 4500 members in the US and internationally. The members are psychologists, technologists, researchers, consultants, designers, etc. See HFES is a member of the IEA and HFES has a European department.
  • The Swedish Human Factors Network, members of HFC can participate free of charge at courses, seminars and meetings.
  • The Danish Human Factor Network
  • HFES - European Chapter. HFES has a European department that meets once a year, with good participation from Scandinavia and Europe. See
  • MIT Humans and Automation Lab,
  • IEA - The International Ergonomics Association, is an international umbrella organization for ergonomists and HF experts. See, the IEA is represented in Norway.
  • IEHF in UK - A Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors - see