G400 fuel cell test station
G400 fuel cell test station

The G400 Base Test Station (CE Rated-C) is a fully Automated Fuel Cell Test Station will allow operators to perform automate test protocols, such as Start-up and shut-down routines, Durability profiles, Polarization curves, Diagnostic tests, such as impedance scans or cyclic / linear sweep voltammetry, Dynamic load cycles on fuel cell stacks.
Technical specifications:
Max cathode gas flow: 750 NLPM (2x MFCs: Air, N2)
max anode gas flow: 300 NLPM (2x MFCs: H2, N2)
Automatic contact humidification module (up to 90°C)
Automated humidifier bypass; permits delivery of facility supplied gas directly to stack
Electric reheat module (up to 110°C)
Software-timed nitrogen purge system
Automatic back pressure control module (0-3 Barg)
Exhaust gas cooling heat exchangers, 10 LPM liquid coolant module, up to 95°C
Electronic load bank 6kW (120V, 600A); water-cooled)