Here we show how to do the plotting in the Realistic Syntetic Aquifer tutorial.
Prepare plotting
% Extract grid to represent the 2D cross-sections clear ijk [ijk{1:3}] = ind2sub(G.cartDims, G.cells.indexMap); ijk = [ijk{:}]; cells_sub_x = find(ijk(:,2) == wellIx(2)); G_x = extractSubgrid(G, cells_sub_x); G_x = computeGeometry(G_x); G_x.cartDims = G.cartDims; cells_sub_y = find(ijk(:,1) == wellIx(1)); G_y = extractSubgrid(G, cells_sub_y); G_y = computeGeometry(G_y); G_y.cartDims = G.cartDims; % Saturation plotted in a 3D grid with the x- and y-slices outlined in cyan % and magenta colours, respectively. clf % Make sure the white countour lines in the figure stay white when the % figure is exported to *.png by pre-setting the background color to white set(gcf, 'color', 'white'); subplot(2,3,1:2); sol.s = height2Sat(sol, Gt, fluidVE); hsVE1 = plotCellData(G, sol.s, 'EdgeColor','k','EdgeAlpha', 0.05); plotGrid(G_x, 'FaceColor', 'none', 'EdgeColor', 'c'); plotGrid(G_y, 'FaceColor', 'none', 'EdgeColor', 'm'); plotWell(G, W, 'height', 1000, 'color', 'r'); title(['CO2 saturation at ', num2str(convertTo(0,year)), ' years']); view(30,60); axis tight off caxis([0 1-fluidVE.sw]); % Pie chart of trapped and free CO2 subplot(2,3,3); pie([eps 1],{'trapped','free'}); title('Total volume: 0'); % Height of the CO2 plume plotted on the 2D top-surface grid. subplot(2,3,4); x = reshape(Gt.nodes.coords(:,1),Gt.cartDims+1); y = reshape(Gt.nodes.coords(:,2),Gt.cartDims+1); hplot = reshape(sol.h(:,1),Gt.cartDims); hplot = hplot([1:end end],:); hplot = hplot(:,[1:end end]); pcolor(x,y,hplot); shading flat; hold on, contour(x,y,reshape(Gt.nodes.z,Gt.cartDims+1),5,'w') hold off, axis tight off title('Height of CO2-column'); % Saturation along the x-slice subplot(4,3,8:9); plotGrid(G_x,'FaceColor','none','EdgeAlpha',0.05); axis tight off, view([0 0]) % Saturation along the y-slice subplot(4,3,11:12); plotGrid(G_y,'FaceColor','none','EdgeAlpha',0.05); axis tight off, view([90 0]), drawnow,

Plotting in simulation loop
if mod(t,dTplot)~= 0, continue; end set(0,'CurrentFigure',figVE); subplot(2,3,1:2); delete(hsVE1); hsVE1 = plotCellData(G, sol.s, 'EdgeColor','k','EdgeAlpha', 0.05); title(['CO2 saturation at ', num2str(convertTo(t, year)), ' years']); caxis([0 1-fluidVE.sw]); subplot(2,3,3); str1 = ['trapped ' num2str(round(trappedVol/totVol*100)) ' %']; str2 = ['free ' num2str(round(freeVol/totVol*100)) ' %']; pie([max(trappedVol,eps) freeVol],{str1, str2}); title(['Total volume: ', ... num2str(round(convertTo(totVol,mega*meter^3))),' M m^3']); subplot(2,3,4); cla, hplot = reshape(sol.h(:,1),Gt.cartDims); hplot = hplot([1:end end],:); hplot = hplot(:,[1:end end]); pcolor(x,y,hplot); shading flat; caxis([0 max(hplot(:))]); hold on, contour(x,y,reshape(Gt.nodes.z,Gt.cartDims+1),5,'w') hold off, axis tight off title('Height of CO2-column'); subplot(4,3,8:9); cla plotCellData(G_x, sol.s(cells_sub_x),'EdgeColor','k','EdgeAlpha',0.05); axis tight off, view([0 0]) title('CO2-saturation, x-slice'); subplot(4,3,11:12); cla plotCellData(G_y, sol.s(cells_sub_y),'EdgeColor','k','EdgeAlpha',0.05); axis tight off, view([90 0]) title('CO2-saturation, y-slice'); drawnow