RA 1 Instrumentation for biomass measurement

The objectives of RA1 are to review, develop, and innovate basic methods as candidates for implementation in future biomass measurement systems. Main emphasis will be put on technology for fish counting and size distribution measurement. Fish counting involves transfer of smolt to the cage, cage splitting and sorting, outtake of dead fish, and fish retrieval for slaughter. The possibilities and potentials in combining existing and new technologies into a complete biomass measurement system will be assessed, working towards the industry vision with regard to accuracy and thus focusing on approaches which can improve on the accuracy currently achieved. Full-scale field tests will be conducted to determine what measurement accuracy can be achieved through combining and operating current state-of-the-art technology in an optimal way.

Publisert 27. april 2010

Exactus er et KMB-prosjekt (Kompetanseprosjekt med brukermedvirkning) som er støttet av
Havbruksprogrammet i Norges Forskningsråd 2010 - 2012 (Prosjektnr. 199788) og av industripartnerne.