Optimisation of local balancing with battery

Together with Skagerak Energi, CINELDI is running a pilot at Skagerak Energilab. The lab is a unique large-scale pilot facility for local generation (PVs) and storage of electrical energy.
It is used for testing different operational modes, including local balancing of load and generation using a battery energy storage system.
We are now planning to test the optimization of local balancing by combining methods for optimal control and prediction algorithms for load and photovoltaic generation. The goal is to give insight into how such systems best can be utilized as a flexible resource providing services to the grid and to external actors.
- G. Marafioto, S. Fossøy, J.P. Maree, I.B. Sperstad: "EMS2aaS: A Dockerized framework for remote EMS deployment", International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2021.
- J.P. Maree, S. Gros, V. Lakshmanan: Low-complexity Risk-averse MPC for EMS, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2021.
- M. Löschenbrand, S. Gros, V. Lakshmanan: "Generating scenarios from probabilistic short-term load forecasts via non-linear Bayesian regression", International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2021
- Pilot Innovation: Framework for remote EMS deployment – Skagerak Energilab
- Pilot Innovation: API Flexible Resources – Skagerak Energilab