- Name
- Nadia Yousfi Steiner
- Title
- Organization
UBFC, the “Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté” is a ComUE – a public institution with the same legal framework as a University (EPSCP), and whose members are public institutions of Higher Education and Research (HER) present on a territory. UBFC has been created on the 1st April 2015 by the 6 main HER institutions of the “Bourgogne Franche-Comte” (BFC) territory (3 universities and 3 engineering/management schools).

UBFC’ contribution to the VIRTUAL-FCS project:
In the present project, the scientific, technical and dissemination work will be performed at UBFC’s research unit FEMTO-ST, within the CNRS Fuel Cell Lab (FCLAB), referred to as the FR CNRS 3539 Research Federation and one of the French leading structures in modelling, optimisation, reliability and durability of fuel cell systems. Researchers within FCLAB have unique experience in the characterisation and the modelling of the stack and the BOP components, and for more than 15 years, FCLAB members have been working on different approaches to increase reliability (diagnostic) and improve durability (prognostic) of fuel cell systems.
UBFC will be leading the WP 3 (BoP & Stack Modelling) and WP5 (Dissemination & communication) and will bring expertise and support the partners in charge of several tasks in WP 2 and 4.