Multiscale Mixed Finite Elements Module
The basic idea of the MsMFE method is to use a mixed finite-element method on a coarse scale with special basis functions that satisfy local flow problems and thereby account for subgrid variations. This way, an approximate fine-scale solution is constructed at the cost of solving a coarse-scale problem
DescriptionThe MsMFE method is formulated using two grids, a fine underlying grid on which the media properties are given, and a coarse simulation grid where each block can consists of an arbitrary connected collection of cells from the fine grid. In this sense, the method is very flexible and can be applied to almost any grid, structured or unstructured, and can easily be built on-top-of existing pressure solvers. The MsMFE offers fast, accurate, and robust pressure solvers for highly heterogeneous porous media and can be used for
LiteratureThe basics of the method is described in the following papers:
In addition, we list a few selected papers that show applications of the MsMFE method:
DownloadThis module is bundled with MRST Core in the standard release. |