
Download VE Module

The Vertical Equilibrium (VE) Module of MRST is available for download under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

VE 2012a was released on the 20th of February, 2012. The Release Notes contain a brief list of new features compared to the previous edition (known as VE 2011a).



Terms of usage

The development of the Vertical Equilibrium Module is funded by the projects MatMoRA and Numerical CO2-Lab, research grants awarded by the Research Council of Norway. Dissemination of research results is an important evaluation criterion for these types of research grants. To provide us with an overview of the (potential) usage of our software, we ask you kindly to register your affiliation/country. This information will only be used when reporting usage statistics of MRST and the modules, e.g., to our funding agency. If you use MRST or any of the modules in writing a publication, we expect that the developers are properly acknowledged and we would be grateful if you send us an email with (pointers to) your publication.

Do note, however, that the MRST and the accompaning modules require at least MATLAB version 7.4 (R2007a). In order to use the modules, put them in the modules folder in MRST and write mrstModule add vertical-equil in the command window. (If you do not start MATLAB from within the MRST root directory: navigate to the MRST root directory and run the script startup.m first).


Published March 7, 2011