
Function setupControls.m
Tutorial main page runPolymer.m runLabPolymer.m equationOWPolymer.m computeMobilities.m setupControls.m setupSystem.m

Set up the controls

There are two types of controls:

  • Dirichlet boundary conditions, where the pressure, saturation and polymer concentration are given.
  • Injection fluxes, where sources are included at given cells. We have thus not included well models in this tutorial.

The controls locations have been hard coded here, but they can be changed.

We have implemented controls for two simulation cases 1D and 2D

function bc = setupControls(G, bc, sim_case)

   switch sim_case

We start with the 1D case

     case '1D'

We consider given pressure, saturation and concentration on the outer right face

       dirichlet_cell = G.cells.num; % Corresponds cell number of outer right cell for the
                                     % Cartesian grid we have defined.
       dirichlet_faces = G.cells.faces(G.cells.facePos(dirichlet_cell): ...
                                       G.cells.facePos(dirichlet_cell + 1) - 1 , :);

       bc.dirichlet.faces =  dirichlet_faces((dirichlet_faces(:, 2) == 2), 1);
       ndf = numel(bc.dirichlet.faces);
       bc.dirichlet.pressure = bc.dirichlet.pressure*ones(ndf, 1);
       bc.dirichlet.s = bc.dirichlet.s*ones(ndf, 1);
       bc.dirichlet.c = bc.dirichlet.c*ones(ndf, 1);

We consider given influx on the outer left cell.

       injection_cells = 1; % Corresponds to cell number of outer left cell for the
                            % Cartesian grid we have defined.
       bc.injection.cells = injection_cells;

We set up the 2D case

     case '2D'

We consider given pressure, saturation and concentration on the faces of the upper-right cell.

       dirichlet_cell = G.cells.num; % Corresponds to upper-right cell for the Cartesian grid we
                                     % have defined.
       dirichlet_faces = G.cells.faces(G.cells.facePos(dirichlet_cell): ...
                                       G.cells.facePos(dirichlet_cell + 1) - 1 , :);

       bc.dirichlet.faces =  dirichlet_faces((dirichlet_faces(:, 2) == 2) | (dirichlet_faces(:, 2) == ...
                                                         4) , 1);
       ndf = numel(bc.dirichlet.faces);
       bc.dirichlet.pressure = bc.dirichlet.pressure*ones(ndf, 1);
       bc.dirichlet.s = bc.dirichlet.s*ones(ndf, 1);
       bc.dirichlet.c = bc.dirichlet.c*ones(ndf, 1);

We consider given influx on the lower-left cell.

       injection_cells = 1; % Corresponds to lower-left cell for the Cartesian grid we have
                            % defined.
       bc.injection.cells = injection_cells;
       error('sim_case not recognized.')

Published November 6, 2014